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Library & Reading Room

pazhassi raja nss college library

The college has a fully automated Central library with a full time librarian and supporting staff. The library is open to the use of the students on all working days from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm. The library has a Central section, a reference section and a section for periodicals. A library advisory committee entrusted by the college council monitors the functioning of the library.

Library Rules :
  • The central library and reading room will be opened from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm on all working days. The schedule of working during vacation would be duly announced.
  • Books from the central library will be issued as notified by the librarian.
  • A Library card will be issued to each student which has to be deposited with the librarian on borrowing a book.
  • Students must examine book issued to them and report to the librarian the damage if any, in the books before taking them away.
  • Books taken out by the students shall not be retained for more than 14 days from the date of issue. If the due date falls on a holiday the book must be returned on the next working days.
  • Failure to returned the book on the due date entails a fine of one rupee per day.
  • Spoiling or damaging a book by writing on it, underlining passages or by tearing away pages goes against the basic library etiquettes and are punishable with heavy fines.
  • If any book is lost, damaged or mutilated the borrower shall be required to replace the book with the fine or to pay such compensation as may be fixed by the Principal.
  • If books belonging to a set or series are damaged and a new volume is not separately available the borrower shall be required to replace the whole sector series. The damaged book set or series will be given to the borrower after its replacement.
  • Before leaving the counter the borrower shall examine the books taken by them and point out any mutilation or defect in any book to the librarian and have these defects etc. noted in the and initialed by him.
  • Otherwise the borrowers will be held responsible for any damage or mutilation or damage.
  • It shall be duty of the librarian and his staff to examine the books returned by the borrowers and take immediate action in all cases of mutilation or damage.
  • The transfer or sub – lending of books is strictly prohibited.
  • The paper and periodicals lying on the tables / racks shall not be removed from the slot allotted for each.
  • Strict silence must be observed in the Library / Reading Room.